What to do about smelly urinals?
Smelly urinals and toilets can leave a lasting negative impression on your
customers. Why not leave a lasting pleasant smell at the source? The newly
invented Flush Valve Scents act as an air freshener for the urinal. Simply place
them on the flush valve (fits most standard flush valves), and let them deodorize
the bathroom.
The Easy-To-Use Air Freshener
Most commercial bathroom air fresheners require batteries, refill gels, liquids,
and other maintenance. With these, you simply pop them on the flush valve
and replace every 30 days. It’s so easy!
Available in two styles
In additional to urinals, this product works great on standard toilet flush valves.
Put one on each of the toilets in the ladies room as well. They come available in
two styles, a burgundy - dark cherry style, and a pink - bloosom style.
Please contact us if you are interested in this product.**